Boosting Morale In The Workplace

If you have noticed that morale has been down in your company, then you want to do all you can to change that. When the morale is down it can lead to more missed days, an increase in employee turnover,  a decrease in productivity, disagreements between employees and even poor customer service. Learn about some of the ways you can raise the morale in your company by reading the information provided in this article. Read More 

Improve Your Quality Of Life With Mindfulness

Therapists and practitioners are encouraging their clients to practice mindfulness in their daily lives. Mindfulness can reduce anxiety, prevent panic attacks, and foster an improved sense of well-being in many individuals. Practicing mindful exercises can make it easier to adapt to stressful circumstances while also giving you a new appreciation for everyday life. Some ways that you can improve your life and live mindfully include: Start the day with meditation. Read More 

What To Expect During Anger Management Counseling

Everybody gets angry sometimes, and this anger can be a good thing, helping a person to reach their goals. However, in some cases, it becomes dysfunctional and actually gets in the way of a person's best interests. A pattern of aggressive behavior, anger that's out of proportion to the circumstances or that is destructive, could indicate a need for anger management counseling. Although not all anger management programs are the same, there are a few things that tend to be common in these programs. Read More 

2 Tips For Successful Couples Counseling

Going to couples counseling with your significant other can be a wonderful thing and can benefit both of you so much. However, in order for this to happen, there are going to be some things that need to take place before counseling, during counseling, and after counseling. If these things take place, then couples counseling can help to improve your relationship and make it so that you are both happy and working towards improving. Read More 

Can ADHD Coaching Help Your Child?

When you have a child who is diagnosed with ADHD, you know that every day is its own adventure. Your child can be full of energy one minute, sullen and frustrated the next, and always at a battle with their mind when it comes to focusing and completing projects. It doesn't matter how old your child is, dealing with ADHD can be difficult on everyone. While medication can help your child manage their symptoms, ADHD coaching can be a beneficial tool as well. Read More