Why Play Therapy Can Be The Best Choice For Young Kids

The attitude toward therapy has changed over the past few years, and more people than ever are enjoying its benefits with less stigma. There are many different styles of therapy and no one-size-fits-all solution. For young kids, however, play therapy is often the best choice. This is a style of therapy in which the therapist observes a child's play and then helps modify that play in a way that helps solve a child's problems and reformulate their feelings. Why is play therapy such a good choice? Take a look.

1. Play therapy allows therapists to discover traumas and feelings a child can't explain in words.

Young children don't often have the vocabulary to accurately express what they are feeling or experiencing in words. They may not be able to explain what happened during a traumatic event or how it affected them. But over time, these things come out in their play. A child who witnessed a violent act may eventually start acting out that violent act when playing with dolls. A child who is afraid of dogs may set up a game where their stuffed teddy bear is fearful of dogs. A therapist who is experienced with play therapy can observe your child's play and gather a lot of information from the way that the child plays and the scenes they set up. When the therapist has a better understanding of the problem, they are more able to help your child.

2. Play therapy is soothing and enjoyable for children.

Conventional talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can be a little emotionally challenging for kids. Having to go to an unfamiliar space and talk with a person they do not know about hard feelings can be really tough. Play therapy, on the other hand, can be fun. A child won't really realize that they're doing anything other than playing. Most kids are delighted to play with new toys and an adult — the therapist — who is completely engaged with what they are doing.

3. Play therapy can address a wide range of problems and concerns.

When a child is struggling mentally, you don't always know why. And with play therapy, you do not have to. It's helpful for everything from general anxiety to early childhood trauma, so you can make an appointment for your child without worrying whether or not you chose the right type of therapy.

Play therapy is an incredibly helpful form of therapy for small kids. Contact a therapist who offers child's play therapy to learn more.
